EmmaBe Fitness

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What I Eat to Stay in Shape...Recipes Included!

There are many diet fads out there: Whole 30, Keto, South Beach, you name it. The problem with many of these diets is that they force you to cut things out and are not really sustainable. When working to achieve your fitness goals, you’ll probably get lots of different advice about the right approach to nutrition. And the truth is, different diets work well for different people. For some, Whole 30 and keto help them achieve their goals. 

I personally opt for a simpler approach. One that isn’t a fad and can easily be adopted as a sustainable lifestyle. I’m talking about plant-based eating. And before you frantically think, “but I could never give up cheese,” let me stop you. The plant-based eating I am talking about is not a fully vegan diet. I have followed a vegan diet at times, but I find that this plant-based approach allows for greater flexibility and is easier to accommodate when you are invited to out to dinner or have to travel. 

Plant-based eating is when the majority of your nutrients come from plant sources. I’m talking fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts. Your goal should be that these make up 80 percent of your overall food intake. And that means you have that other 20 percent for everything else - meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, and if you have a sweet tooth like me, even cake. You can strive to achieve this ratio in each meal, but I find it easier to approach the 80/20 breakdown by the day. You could even look at it over the course of a week. Overall, the mindset here is to ensure that the majority of food you put into your body comes from plants. This helps you to eat fewer processed and refined foods, consume less cholesterol, and reduce inflammation. 

There are many other benefits as well. Forks over knives cites easy weight management, disease prevention, and a lighter environmental footprint as some of the benefits. But I have also experienced less bloating, more energy, and an overall better mood since I made the switch to plant-based eating. It has made me more mindful, in general, about what I put in my body. If your diet is currently far off from the 80/20 ration, try easing into it. Strive for a 60/40 balance, then 70/30, and work your way toward 80/20. And another big reminder here: this shouldn’t make you obsess over everything you eat. Some weeks, the balance will be all off, and that’s okay! It’s more about making it a consistent habit to eat healthy, whole foods. 

If you’re looking to live a healthier lifestyle, examining your diet is an important piece of the puzzle. Movement is another crucial part. If you need help getting started on your journey, let’s chat!

I live off of three things, smoothies, quinoa bowls, and protein heavy sweets. Here are a few of my favorite whole-food, plant-based recipes: 


A quick and easy way to have breakfast on the go and keep it plant based. I prep bags with all my ingredients every few weeks and freeze them so I can easily throw all the ingredients in the blender with a liquid. This leaves me with no excuses not to get a full serving of fruits and veggies. 

Smoothies are pretty easy and you can keep it simple with a handful of an emulsifier (think creamy fruits like frozen bananas and mangos, half an avocado, or starchier veggies like cauliflower), some frozen berries, greens like kale or spinach (make this the bulk of the blender!), 8-16 oz coconut water, cold water, or nut milk, and finally a little acid from lemon, lime, or orange to bring out the flavors. Blend 30-60 seconds until smooth, if you don’t have a high speed blender let it run for 3-5 minutes. Its loud but worth it!

Looking for smoothie ideas, check out The Blender Girl!

Quinoa Bowls 

These can be made up to 5 days ahead of time. Prep quinoa on the stove or in the rice cooker with veggie stock. Roast veggies such as sweet potatoes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, squash, etc. with a little olive oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper on a sheet pan at 400 degrees for 10-20 minutes. Saute peppers and onions. Use a protein such as canned beans, tofu, or if you eat meat and fish, roasted salmon, cod, chicken or a soft boiled egg. Finally make a tasty green sauce to top it off. Blend cilantro (or any green herbs), garlic, lime, salt, pepper, and water together. For some added excitement, top with seeds, nuts, or an avocado. 

I usually just whip up whatever I have in the fridge and make bowls for 2-3 days worth of lunches and dinners, but you can make them really fun and mimic some of your favorite cuisines. Check out these great recipes: 

Mexican Burrito Quinoa Bowl

Chocolate Breakfast Quinoa Bowl

Asian Peanut “Noodle” Quinoa Bowl


If you know me, you know I’d eat cake and donuts for every meal. Unfortunately that’s not an option, but these raw, vegan, protein bites are! I’m obsessed with these little cookies. They don’t require any baking, just a food processor and some messy fingers. 

Lemon Coconut Bites (Tip: Add a dollop of low sugar jam to the middle of the balls for an added tasty treat.)

Peanut Butter No-Bake Cookies