Staying Active Through Recovery


What happens when you put a Trainer and a Physical Therapist in a room together? We compare notes!

Curious what that conversation looks like? We are going to let you in on it! During this two part dialogue (read Part 1 here!) Mark Lusk from MVMT Physical Therapy and I each asked the other four questions about injury, recovery, and healthy habits. The following is the remainder of our conversation were you can learn a little more about us and why we are both dedicated to keeping our clients and patients moving while they recover. Enjoy!


EB: One of my (many!) favorite things about working with you was your dedication to helping me maintain my ability to be a trainer and an athlete throughout my recovery. Does your background as a dancer influence how you approach recovery with your patients?

ML: Yes, I think it does. As PT’s, we get a bad rap for always taking activities away from patients. Of course, if that activity is keeping you flared up or creating further injury, it needs to temporarily stop. But I believe that there’s many more opportunities to stay active while we recover. Being benched is terrible - physically and emotionally. I know that first-hand, having ruptured my ACL in the prime of my dance career, and I remember what it was like, not being able to dance. I want my patients to stay active, but it needs to be an open and honest dialogue.

Journey To Here

ML: We’ve both have unconventional paths to fitness and wellness. How did you come to be a personal trainer? What was your journey like?

EB: I became a trainer after getting really involved with a group fitness studio in my neighborhood. The owners encouraged me to go through their certification program and I basically never looked back. My journey is always evolving and I swear every 3 months it looks different, but one thing remains consistent, I am always trying to learn new modalities that I can add to my exercise library because at the end of the day the more I know the better I am at delivering quality programs with real results to my clients.

Moving Forward

EB: Once someone has graduated from your care, what is the best way they can stay rehabilitated?

ML: For some patients, they will have “outgrown” their rehab exercises entirely, and are ready to return to their sport or regular exercise program. For some, they will need to stick with their home exercise program indefinitely - to maintain a more chronic condition (like scoliosis, instability, Parkinson’s). Either way, I always talk with my patients about “what’s next” with their exercises, how to progress them. It is often the case that we’re ready to transition them to a personal trainer to increase their fitness and functional capacity. That’s also a great opportunity for us to work as a team - patient, PT and trainer - to progress the patient. Who doesn’t want a team of professionals working together for their benefit?!?

Women Rock! 

ML: What challenges have you faced with being a woman in a very male-dominated industry?

EB: Now this is only my opinion, but being a woman only presents challenges if you let it. Since this is a male-dominated industry I try to use my gender to my advantage. It helps me stand out,  get noticed, and gives me access.  While the industry is dominated by men, the clientele is dominated by women. I am really a girls-girl. I understand the complex relationships we have with our bodies and even more so how fitness is, for many, as much a mental health tool as a physical one.

Mark M Lusk


IG: @mvmtpt


Emma Bonoli

Certified Personal Trainer



If you’re looking for a reliable, honest, and highly knowledgeable physical therapist who’s invested in his patients holistic healing process, please give Mark a call! And tell him I sent you!

Emma Bonoli