Client Testimonials

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Liz, 29, Brooklyn, NY

In January, I decided to sign-up for Emma’s SheBeast Program. I have been into various physical activities over the years (hiking, rock climbing, yoga), but I never had a gym membership before this program and I generally felt intimidated by the idea of weight training. 

Five weeks into the program, and everything has changed! I’m not even at the halfway point, and I am more confident in the gym than I ever could have imagined. I also already can see results in the way my body looks and feels. I now enjoy going to the gym four times a week, and because I’m armed with Emma’s well-planned workouts, I never feel like I’m wasting time figuring out what to do.

If you’re hesitant about being coached through an app, don’t be. The videos for the program are super clear and Emma’s feedback is extremely helpful. I’m excited to continue with the program and continue at the gym once the program is complete.


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Ari, 32, NYC

Working with Emma is one of the best decisions I made postpartum. Not only had I gained 60lbs, but after my daughter was born, my body had the most aches and pains I’ve ever felt in my life – if I sat up the wrong way in bed, my neck would spasm and lock up like Alcatraz. Of course one of my goals was to shed the weight (plus a few) in a healthy way, but my main focus was to rebuild strength.

No one tells you about the insanely uncomfortable positions you have to get yourself into to nurse your baby (especially when you have a very large chest!). My neck, shoulders, forearms and elbows (!!) were in constant pain.

There is no way I’d be able to function as the physically involved mother I am without the strength I’ve built over the past 11 months with Emma. I’m proud to say that with this new strength, I’ve lost 65+ pounds and look forward to my workouts every week.


Raquel, 44, Queens

February 2019 231lbs 51% body fat

August 2019 173lbs 34% body fat

How did I do this?

1. Signed up to train with Emma of EmmaBe Fitness this past February 2019.  I was terrified at first but Emma’s patience, respect, and knowledge made me want to stay committed and see this journey through, even when I didn’t believe in myself.

2. … more below!


Jenna, 28, Boston

Last January I had hit my heaviest weight ever and knew it was time to hit the gym but after more than six months without progress, I knew I needed some help. That’s when I turned to Emma.

A year later, I am much stronger – having worked up from a 35-pound deadlift to a 70-pound deadlift (and still counting)! I have changed the composition of my body – losing 20 pounds, generally toning my whole body, and building more muscle mass, particularly in my lower half. 

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Kris, Queens NY

From March until now I’d become slightly inconsistent with my workout schedule and diet. As a way to combat this and celebrate one year of working with Emma I decided to join her SheBeast Bells and Bodyweight Program.

I finished the program this week! I always forget to take progress pictures but this time I made a point to take them [see pics above]. While I definitely lost inches and slimmed down over all, what you don’t see in this photo is the last 8 weeks worth of sweat where I perfected my deadlifts, swings, and turkish get-ups with a 20lb kettlebells. I’m on my way to perfecting my goblet squat and kettlebell cleans and close to doing a perfect push-up!

Sometimes you just need to trust the process and let the pictures speak for themselves!

Kris worked with me in the past, read about how she started below!

Charlene Transformation

Charlene, 32, NYC

I have been working out with Emma for about a year now. Initially, I started this journey trying to build strength back in my legs after an injury, with Emma’s help I gained it back and then some.  As I’ve continued to workout with Emma she’s helped me conquer other goals, from gaining strength in my upper body and slimming down my back, to my continued goal of doing unassisted pull-ups. While she pushes me and encourages, her main priority is making sure whatever we are doing is safe and with the proper form.  She makes necessary adjustments as things arise and most importantly she cares about you as a person. It’s nice knowing after a long day the highlight of my day, my session with her will turn my whole day around. It’s taken me years to feel happy with my body and Emma has played a major role in that.

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Caitlin, New York City

Growing up I’ve always been athletic, so I’ve been able to pick up random workouts here and there that i continued to do at the gym at random after my team sport days were over. When IG became popular I would just save workout posts and do them at random with no real knowledge on how to utilize these movements to achieve my goals. Then came Emma. Her program gave me the knowledge that helped me feel the most confident I’ve ever felt.

One concern of mine when joining the program was if i was going to loose my beloved feminine curves. With all previous diets, they were always the first to go and I was left with my least favorite curve, my belly. Now as a person who completed the program, I can confidently say my favorite curves have somehow improved (#bootygainz) and my least favorite curve has been snatched. I have always enjoyed the way my body looked, but now I can say I LOVE the results. My confidence is through the roof, especially at the gym.

Thank you Emma!!


Bri, 23, Brooklyn NY

I loved how much I learned not only about technique but also about myself in regard to how to strengthen my body. I’ve never felt this strong or in control of my muscles as I do now after completing the SheBeast program. Thank you so much Emma for giving me this gift of knowledge!

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Madison, Brooklyn NY

I chose to take part in the SheBeast program to make a life change. Although I had been a somewhat active person for most of my life, I had gotten into a bit of a slump and overall, was a little intimated by parts of the gym. SheBeast helped me make a positive change to a more active, healthier lifestyle that I’m still continuing since the program concluded. I am without a doubt stronger and more confident in the gym (and in my own home “gym”).

Emma is an inspiring, motivating, and empathetic trainer who equips you with all of the tools you need to be successful in this program and to make sustainable life changes.

Even as COVID-19 hit, Emma didn’t miss a beat and was there to support and offer different options and alternatives to continue the program from home. She never left us hanging and provided amazing support the entire way. Unleash Your Inner SheBeast offers flexibility, community, support, and opportunities to learn. You will not regret showing up for this program.


David, 25, NYC

Before working out with Emma, I only occasionally went to the gym and was nervous about going. But, after a couple sessions and learning, I now go 2-4x a week. My body looks bigger and I feel much better. Emma is amazing at what she does, she knows so much, and truly helps push me to go further. I owe Emma so much for teaching me the ropes (pun intended)—I feel and look so much better. 

Ilene, 69, Florida

I’m a 69 year old grandmother. I live in Florida, have worked out with several trainers over the years, some good and others not. [When I met her] Emma asked me what my training goals were. I told her that I wanted to be strong enough to lift a growing baby and be able to have enough energy to be active enough to keep up with her.

She worked with me on an app called TrueCoach where she posts personalized workouts along with FABULOUS videos of her showing and explaining each exercise as well as the warm up and cool down.

I saw that I could give her feedback online and she could respond.  And I’m happy to say that it works great! It’s a great tool! I can also contact her if I need clarification or support. 

I have NEVER felt better about or had better results working out at home alone.  Emma is a trustworthy, creative, enthusiastic, skillful trainer and a pleasure to work with!

Become a SheBeast!