
Raquel, 44

Queens, New York

February 2019 231lbs 51% body fat

August 2019 173lbs 34% body fat

How did I do this?

1. Signed up to train with Emma of EmmaBe Fitness this past February 2019.  I was terrified at first but Emma’s patience, respect, and knowledge made me want to stay committed and see this journey through, even when I didn’t believe in myself.

2. Upon Emma’s suggestion, I started calorie and macro tracking 3 weeks into training.  I am an overeater, so tracking my meals helped me to understand what and how much food I was eating.  Please note I did not do keto or any low-carb fad diet.  I am a vegan for the animals for many years, and I transformed from a junk food vegan to a mostly whole foods vegan.  No starving myself, no fasting, no gimmicks, and no animals on my plate.  Real food=real progress.

3. In between training, I started to move around more, doing HIIT treadmill workouts combined with steady cardio treadmill workouts 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes, and increased my walking in between whenever I could--the stronger I got, the more I was able to do month by month both during and outside of my training sessions. 

I still have a ways to go but I am really happy with my progress six months in.

If you are on the fence about whether to start Emma’s program, don’t waste another moment deliberating. Your health is your most precious asset and your body is your best accessory.  

With Emma’s expertise, you’ll be on your way to a more fit body, better energy, and overall improved health.  

Sign up today!